Empty Nest
The studio shelves are feeling a bit empty since the departure of 240 skeins of Yarn Lovely goodness. I'm still recovering from the loss...er...something like that. It's so nice to feel that all the beautifully painted skeins are yours to do with what you will. I subconsciously plan projects for certain colorways and am a bit baffled when I actually have time to knit and the skeins are no longer there. Yes, I know that I could walk upstairs and dye some up for myself, but it feels like someone has played a cheap trick on me, nonetheless. I know it was there, and I just want it to be there now!
You see the torture that us indie dyers live with everyday? ;)
I have been knitting again. It's nice, and I miss it when I'm crazy busy pushing the yarn monster forward....i.e. dyeing a big order. Right now I have on the needles:
* Bellatrix socks: I am a member of Socktopia, but I've been remiss lately. Not in knitting socks, but in posting them. I can't get into the new forums, and it's really put a damper on my enjoying the group. Their patterns are amazing! I was supposed to be wearing these socks to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on opening night, but I didn't make it. I was too busy finishing my mom's birthday socks instead.
I'm using sport weight yarn for these, and changing the pattern substantially. It's really fun though, and I have two yarns picked out for another pair of these. I'm planning on holding them doubled, for a more spooky effect. The bottom of my current pair is ribbed - the large stitches created by the pattern were making me nervous (I ripped out 3/4 of a finished sock earlier today, because I was convinced having the large stitches across the bottom of my instep were just asking for them to wear out.) The heavier yarn makes the holes a lot bigger, so I'm also compensating by doing 3 additional knitted rows between the "holey" rows. I'll keep you updates as they grow.
* Simple Knitted Bodice: I'm knitting this up in kettle dyed Guinevere. She's an amazing 50% tussah silk/ 50% merino wool blend that's heavenly. I'm still at the swatch stage now. Nearly done with the swatch...or at least this one. I haven't measured it yet. The size 7s that I'm working on feel like small tree trunks compared to the 1s and 0s that I've been working with exclusively for the past two moths. I'll post some in progress pics as I move forward. This is my first sweater (Adult sized, that is.) and I'm terribly excited.
Yarn Love Hits Detroit
Get yourself over to City Knitting for Sockfest! You'll find us there! Say "hi!" to Lorilee for me too. More will be coming. Our Scarlett base has just come in after a long back order, and Lorilee will have the first shipment! Yay! Happy sock knitting!
Craft Education Online
For your crafting entertainment:
* Crochet and Knit 911
* Yarn Standards
* Embroidery Stitch Dictionary
* The Walker Treasury Project
Next post - crochet, crochet, and more crochet! Woo hoo!
Yay for being able to actually knit! I'm thinking about starting on my first sweater, too (well, I started on one a million years ago, but kind of pooped out, so I'll probably wind up frogging the whole thing. You know how it goes). Those socks are crazy! Can't wait to see how they look, especially after you've done your crazy modifications. :)
I love your Guinevere yarn! I think a Simple Knitted Bodice in Guinevere sounds so great I might have to copy the idea. If I can ever manage to get ahold of enough Guinevere that is.
Ronni - I'm pretty booked up right now with two large wholesale orders, but after I can dye up a custom for you, if you'd like. We're trying to convince some of our retailers to carry Guinevere, because she's such a gorgeous yarn. I can't wait to wear the sweater - it's so incredibly soft. I do think that it's knitting up at slightly heavier gauge than the original, but it's going to be perfect for our desperately cold Iowa winters. Can you say -20 actual temp? ew!
Jacki - sweaters really aren't that hard. Mine is going much faster than I anticipated. I'm so excited!
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